
Extension of PoLyInfo's polymer dictionary

○Shigeru Iimuro(Materials Information Technology Station, National Institute for Material Science),Masayoshi Yamazaki(Materials Information Technology Station, National Institute for Material Science),Isao Kuwajima(Materials Information Technology Station, National Institute for Material Science),Koichi Yagi(Materials Information Technology Station, National Institute for Material Science),Hiroshi Takayanagi(Zephyr corporation)

Usability of polymer database PoLyInfo has been strongly enhanced by MatNavi and PoLyIndex. The data model is very important for polymer data. We are rewriting the old "Results of object-oriented analysis(class diagram)" for polymer database PoLyInfo. It doesn't match real polymer structures and polymer data structures. For example, As no polymer classes in the diagram have end-group informations, we can't use these polymers as macromonomers or telechelic polymers for other polymer preparations. How can we do the materials designing or molecular designing? The whole structures of the polymers should be shown for materials designs, and now can be represented by the IUPAC Nomenclatures and by the text structures(TXS) developed for PoLyInfo's data treating.