
Development of a Program for Assisting to Construct Chemical Structures by XyM Notation

○Hidehiko Nakano(Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo),Haruhisa Hayashi(Library and Academic Information Center, University of Hyogo)

XyM Notation is a kind of linear notation systems for representing chemical structures in the XyMTeX system, which is a package of macros proposed by Shinsaku Fujita for typesetting chemical structures using LaTeX system. Fujita et al. also reported the XyMML (XyM Markup Language) that enabled to embed XyM Notations in HTML documents, and the XyMJava System that is a Java applet for drawing chemical structures on a CRT display decoding the XyM Notation in the HTML documents. Those reports showed that the XyM Notation is useful for the communication of chemical structures through the Internet, but XyM Notation is not familiar for ordinary experimental chemists. To relieve this disadvantage, we developed a program for assisting to construct chemical structures by XyM Notation. By using this program, a user can build chemical structures on the CRT display by combining structural parts, and then the program generates XyM Notation.