QUICK((B. P. Leonard, "A Stable and Accurate Convective Modelling Procedure Based on Quadratice Upstream Interpolation", Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Eng. 19, pp.59-98, 1979.))
QUICK((B. P. Leonard, "A Stable and Accurate Convective Modelling Procedure Based on Quadratice Upstream Interpolation", Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Eng. 19, pp.59-98, 1979.))は&ref(quick.eq1.gif,nolink,70%);の内挿に&ref(quick.eq2.gif,nolink,70%);と&ref(quick.eq3.gif,nolink,70%);に加えて,風上側のもう一つの&ref(quick.eq4.gif,nolink,70%);を用いる方法である.


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