From Admission to GraduationResearch Environment In the Kasuga Area, our graduate school provides individual graduate students with study space with a desk. Acquiring a computer account will allow you to use an e-mail address and give you access to webpage space, extensive computer and other electronic resources.Conference Participation Support Financial aids are available to encourage and support graduate school students to give presentations at conferences held both in Japan and abroad. Funding typically covers travel expenses and registration fees to the conferences. More than 60 Graduate School students benetted from this system in Academic Year 2018.TAs, TFs & RAs At the graduate school, there is a system for providing eligible students opportunities to work and contribute to the University’s education and research programs. TAs (Teaching Assistants) attend and assist at undergraduate and Graduate School lectures and seminars. TFs (Teaching Fellows) participate in lectures under the instructions of professors. RAs (Research Assistants) may conduct research in collaboration with professors. In Academic Year 2018, 64 Master’s Program students, and 8 Doctoral Program students were appointed as TAs to assist with undergraduate education, including 1 student appointed as TFs. 9 Doctoral Program students were appointed as RAs.From Admission to Graduation Research environmentPresentations at conferencesTokyo Satellite The Career-Up program for Library and Informa-tion Studies gives lectures on weekday evenings and weekends. The classroom for the program is available at the Tokyo Satellite (the Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus of the University of Tsukuba). You will be able to access the same campus network environment at the Tokyo Satellite that is available at the Kasuga Area on the Tsukuba Campus. Through this network, you can access the University of Tsukuba’s networked resources including all of the University Library resources online.University of Tsukuba Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus6