Master's/ Doctoral Thesis(2005) | Master's/ Doctoral Thesis | Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
Master's/ Doctoral Thesis(2005)
Master's Thesis (2005)
Master of Library and Information Science
- Characteristics of library studied from the viewpoint of inter-subjectivity
- The history of the music copyright in France -The 19th century from the Revolution-
- Research for identification of ITOIN from KODOUIN by the character of faces of seals
- A study about the relationship between worth-oriented activities and profit-oriented activities of children's book publishers
- Development of Danish Public Library
- Outcomes Assessment Indicators for Public Libraries in Japan
- Why do adults read picture books? : Focusing on the proportion of healing infantile behavior
- The study of the King's Library in the 18th century
- Does Electronic Publication Affect Circulation and Evaluation of Journals? : A Citation Analysis
- The analysis of user demands based on actual use of retrieval systems for constructing a resource sharing system
- Business information services in public libraries
- Searching and showing similar records in reference Q&A databases
- Reading guidance in school education of Japan after the World War II -Focus on Namekawa Michio's "life guidance by reading" theory-
- Contingent Employment in Private University Libraries
- Empirical research on the service for unaffiliated users of university library
- Outsourcing and Its Services in Special Libraries
- User's positive moods in public libraries -Relation with use behavior, evaluation, and space-
- A Study of School Library Staff regarding Assignment and Duties based on the Questionnaire
Master of Information Science
- Development of An Unsolicited Bulk E-Mail Filter Based on Language Independent Method
- Text Segmentation and Hierarchization Using Variable-length Analysis Sections
- A Data-Transformation Support System Using a Conceptual Schema Extraction Approach
- Speech Enhancement by Inter-Channel Signal Processing using Multi-Channel Microphones
- Research of the knowledge acquisition and share system using XML Topic Maps
- Analysis of variations in hand-written characters using Interactive Genetic Algorithms
- Construction of hand-written character data base for clarification of transformation and individuality
- Mixed Sound Sources Recognition by Stochastic Modeling for Signal Sources
- A Search Assistant for Providing Cumulative Links to User's Relevant Information
- Electronic book conversion system for appropriate date format user's environment
- A support method for metadata schema development based on application profiles
- Extracting Loanwords from Mongolian Corpora
- A program library for developing web applications that display multilingual texts, including characters written vertically
- A comparable study for reading novel over various media -Focusing on the character of various media for reading-
- An Automatic Method for Impression-based Transliteration
- Development of a Subject Vocabulary for a Malaysian Cultural Subject Gateway
- Health information and television drama
- A Study on Indexing Method of Identification Tools for Animals on International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
- A research for availability of fact data on clinical literatures
- A study of analysis and character -extraction method from Patent Documents -in the case of Business Method Patent-
- Press release information distribution system for a cell phone using RSS format
- An obstacle against the legislation introduced by a Diet member in Japan : Focusing on the legislative organs in the National Diet Library :
Master of Philosopy
- A study of Utamakura of Yamagata region
- The abolition of licensed prostitution movement at the Meiji era seen in "Jogakuzassi"
- Design Teaching Method for Developing Information Ethics on Internet Anonymity
Doctoral Thesis (2005)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
- Establishment of School Library in Special Education and Its Development in Japan -History of Library and Education for Persons with Disabilities-
- Academic Collection Building and Japan's Research Information System
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science
- Methodology of Functional Selection for Enterprise Information Systems based on the Contingency Theory
- A Study of Information Retrieval System using Subject Analysis
- An Investigation on figurative expression of affective words: Experimental psychological research of the affective communication using abstract figures
- The research of the Haiku document in the Meiji Era
- A Study of Expression of Scientific Information and Organization Method of Web Resource System on the Concept of Structured Digital Object
Doctor of Philosophy
- Study on growth of high-quality phosphorus-doped n-type diamond films and their electronic properties
- Bibliographical Study of the Shinra no Kiroku
- The Chinese translation of Japanese modern and contemporary works and its historic significance -the creations of and reflections on bibliography-
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