Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2013)
Master's Thesis (2013)
Master of Library and Information Science
- Factors For Privatization Of Public Libraries in Japan
- Classification and feature analysis of Twitter users posting scientific related information
- Survey of Social Media Use in Academic Libraries
- Historical Consciousness and View of Preserving Records -Settle on the Subject Matter of Compiling Histories within the Area Yokohama City-
- Role of Public Library and Japanese-American in 20th Century -Americanization and Japanese Library-
- Development of an annotation tool for enhancing usability of learning materials for the community studies on the web - Contextual annotations as Linked Open Data -
- Analysis of the Obsolescence of Citations and Access in Electronic Journals at University Libraries
- A study of an educational method for outline construction in demonstration reports for university freshmen
- Effects of face-to-face and computer-mediated reading circles on knowledge acquisition, perspective taking, and emotion sharing
- A Study on Students’ Task Management: Case of University of Tsukuba, Japan
- The Concept, Operation, and Acceptance of Learning Commons
- Public library services for immigrants in EU:From the view point of integration and lifelong learning policies
- The analysis of ditectional and the occurrence factor of bursty status on Twitter
- Effects of home environment on children’s reading ability
- Development and evaluation of a NIE lesson for promoting media literacy in junior high school and high school: Focus on "Selection" activity
- Identification of FRBR Group 1 Entities and Discovery of their Relationships from Bibliographic Data of Comic Books -FRBRization Using Linked Open Data Resources-
- A study on re-ranking method for OPAC using library loan records
- Student Assistants in American College and University Libraries
- A Legal Consideration for the Protection of Personal Information in China -In reference to the Enactment and Implementation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan -
- The Reading of Chinese Books of Gozan Buddhist Priest in Japan-Comparing with Intellingentsia in Ming China-
- Investigations on Newspaper Articles about Libraries
- Learning Support in Chinese College and University Libraries ―A Case Study of Peking University Library―
- Historical research of support services to the municipal library in Niigata Prefectural Library
Master of Information Science
- A Study on the Processing of Crowdsourced Data Enumeration
- A Timeline-based Recipe View for Efficient Cooking
- A Study on Global Lexicon Model Based on Word Sense in Statistical Machine Translation
- An Agile Metadata Design and its Support System
- Development of movie production learning program using a Tablet PC
- A method for investigating the trend of technology using co-occurrence of patent classification
- Development of an ontology for Manga to support access to Linked Data resources
- Comparative Study of Expressiveness in Study Manga
- Metadata Schema Generation from Instances and Schema Published on the Web
- Estimation of Twitter User's Life-Area Using Semi-Supervised Topic Model
- An Algorithm for Transforming XPath Expressions According to Schema Evolution
- A Study on the Microblog User Profiling Based on Posting Activity
- A Study on Hierarchical Estimation Methods for labeling Multi-Aspects to Real Life Tweets
- Emergence of memories -Lifelog browsing system supporting reflection-
- A Study of Data Transfer Aware Hadoop Task Scheduling
- Study on the judgment index of the color information in personality representation-Around the application in graphical projection of psychological assessment techniques-
- How is the Association of Visual Features and Responses Structured― Experimental Study with Stimulus-Response Associative Learning Task―
- Analysis of Dyadic Co-dining Communication in Remote Video-mediated Enviroment
Doctoral Thesis (2013)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
- A Study on Feature Analysis of Archival Metadata Standards in the Records Lifecycle
- Professional University Librarians in Japan after World War II : A Historical Analysis of Factors Constricting their Appointment and Education
- Value Orientation and Profit Orientation of Children’s Book Publishers : Focusing on publishing activities of publishers that specialize in children’s books in Japan
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science
- A study of integrated environment for heterogeneous geographic information generated in tsunami recovery processes
- Preserving Records in the Cloud – A Model to enhance Metadata Interoperability in a Cloud Environment
- Studies on Component Integration Architecture for End-User Media-Processing Environment
- Development of a Digital Archive for Dao-Fa Hui-Yuan and its Application to Daoism Research
Doctor of Philosophy
- The Training System for Senior Librarian in France
- A Study on the Technique of Management Diagnosis for Lifelong Learning Facilities : Focusing on the Japanese Community Learning Center , ‘Kominkan’