*Members, as of 2019 [#a199a323] ** Faculty [#wdd4eab0] -[[Masao Takaku:http://masao.jpn.org]] **PhD Students, at Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies [#iaaf57a4] -Kazumi Yamazaki -Jiro Kikkawa -Cong Yan **MSc Students, at Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies [#idd52c2f] -Renlou Weng -Weng Renlou -Itsumi Satoh **Research Students, at Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies [#m75ea87c] -Chenyang He -He Chenyang **Undergraduate Students, at College of Knowledge and Library Sciences [#tc7a1a0c] -Chihiro Sato -Mizuki Takagi -Satoshi Nishida -Yusuke Hotta * Past members [#t1144f6e] #ls(title)