Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba
  最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム 日本学術振興会

1. Research characteristics
Early detection and intervention are important countermeasures to cyberbullying and traditional bullying. This project focuses on the actions of the individuals involved in the bullying (bullies and victims) and a gaming simulation method.

The project develops interactive software (IS) to reproduce interpersonal interaction processes ranging from daily troubles to bullying and cyberbullying. Through various simulated interpersonal interactions, this IS is expected to help young individuals experience the involvement as a character other than those involved in a bullying situation, thereby helping them recognize the importance of intervening at an early stage of bullying.

2. Research objectives
This study aims to

3. Anticipated effects and future applications of research
In addition to the development of the original IS and the proposal of the educational program, this study will suggest fundamental information and perspectives for examining the details of cyberbullying and bullying situations.

This project also examines bullying.