Academic Exchange Agreement |

Academic Exchange Agreement

Out school is strived to collaborate with international partners. In particular, we have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the following institutions which facilitate our global activies both in teaching and research.

CountryUniversity/InstitutionField of Exchange
China Shanghai Library Library and Information Science and related fields
Korea Pusan National University, Department of Library, Archive and Information Studies of the Graduate School, College of Social Sciences Library and Information Science and related fields

The University of Pittsburgh, School of Computing and Information

Library and Information Science, Information Science
U.S.A. University of Michigan, School of Information Library and Information Science and related fields
Germany Stuttgart Media University Library and Information Science and Informatics

University of Art and Design Linz, Department of Interface Culture,  Institute of Media Studies

Human Computer Interaction, Media Art, Art & Science
Russia Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for History and Archives, Faculty of Archival Studies Related fields such as archival science and information science

Reference: University of Tsukuba International Index page

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