
two administrative staff members of Academic Service Office for Library, Information and Media Sciences Area visited Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

International Training

On September 7 and 8, our trainees participated in a higher education fair together with faculty and staff of the University of Tsukuba Malaysia and engaged in publicity activities for the University of Tsukuba Malaysia, which opens in September 2024. Staff members distributed pamphlets and gave explanations about the Malaysian school to several thousand visitors on the day, providing an opportunity for many people to learn about the school. Some of the visitors were interested in studying in Japan, and trainees appealed to them about studying at the University of Tsukuba's English Language Program and the Informatics Degree Program of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences.

On September 9, the trainees visited University of Malaya, one of Malaysia's top universities (our cooperative university), and toured the Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology and the central library. The trainees had a lively discussion with the administrative staff of the School of Computer Science and Information Technology and found many points of reference, such as proactive collaboration with industry and strategies for attracting international students, but also found that University of Malaya  faces common challenges, such as difficulties in securing financial resources. During the tour of the department's facilities, trainees were able to see not only the auditorium and classrooms, but also a student lounge and a prayer room for Muslims, which was helpful in considering the future use of facilities at the university.

The University of Malaya Central Library has taken a number of flexible measures, such as adding a "1.5 floor" to address the lack of space for book distribution, installing a number of private research rooms for graduate students and students with disabilities that can be reserved via smartphone, and installing a fitness bike in the library as a response to SDG 3: Health and Wellness for All.

Briefing Session

A training debriefing session was held on September 27 for the Dean of Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, the Chair of Master‘s and Doctoral Programs in Informatics, the Dean of the School of Informatics, and the staff members of the Academic Service Office for Library, Information and Media Sciences Area. After opening remarks by the Head of the Academic Service Office, the trainees presented reports. The listeners then actively asked questions about what had impressed the trainees at the higher education fair and other topics. Finally, the Dean Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, the Chair of Master‘s and Doctoral Programs in Informatics, the Dean of the School of Informatics gave comments to the trainees on their training reports and encouraged them in their future work. The debriefing was a meaningful opportunity to share the outcome of the training with faculty and staff.

Related Links

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya

University of Tsukuba, Malaysia

(Faculty members of the University of Tsukuba Malaysia and trainees)