Vol.14, No.1 |

Vol.14, No.1

Vol.14, No.1


The Role of School Libraries in Supporting Inquiry-based Learning

Makiko ASANO , Yuji HIRAKUE 1

Performance Measurement and Evaluation in Libraries and Other Public Sectors: Commonality and Difference in Methodologies

                                                                                                                            Satoko TANABE 21

Broadcast media programs in the transition era from radio to television, focusing on the Ikebana course programs

Yasuaki TSUJI 41

For the Reconsideration on the Relationship between Mittel and Medium of Masakazu NAKAI: Re-examination  of ‘Escape and Return’ (1951) and “ Mittel supported by Medium”

  Yoshihiro GOTO 61

Evaluation of a stuffed-animal sleepover program at a public library: Its effects on the attitudes toward libraries and reading  

 Kanae SUZUKI 81



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