Master's/ Doctoral Thesis(2006)
Master's Thesis (2006)
Master of Library and Information Science
- A Study on the Connection of Internal Spaces in Public Libraries - Possibility of Multilayered Spatial Constitution -
- Critical studies for Information Science related to Popper's theory: focussing on relationship between Falsifiability and Objective Knowledge
- The selection criteria of picture books for reading
- Analysis of Communication between patient and medical worker
- Cooperation for provision of materials in public libraries-Policy and fact of interlibrary loan-
- Research on Construction of Social Knowledge : Based on Discourse Analysis of Wikipedia
- Chance Information - generated learning for School Library Media Program - Consideration of learning environment with workshop-
- Representation of Knowledge by Propositional meanings and Modalities in Instruction Manuals
- The empirical reexamination on mass media effects research : Focusing on the process which children are affected by the mass media treating the linkage
- Records of exhibition in art museum
- Jesse Hauk Shera(1903-82), An American librarian and scientist of Library Science in the 20th century
- Recording book service to the visually impaired in a public library and the issue of copyright
- Research of copyright protection of folklore in China
- The roots of Brazil National Library: from Portuguese Royal Library to Brazil Imperial Library
- Quality Assurance for University Libraries
- A Study on Problem Patrons in Public Libraries-Focusing on the Judicial Precedent in the United States-
- The Establishment of the University Librarian System from 1950 to 1966: Its Realization and Meaning
- Study on the Problematic Issues for Librarian Training in Japan Following the Second World War
- The Municipal School Board's Support of Elementary and Junior High School Libraries
- A study of library law systems in Italy - Through a comparison between nation and region -
Master of Information Science
- Application of Grobner Basis to Euclidean Geometry Research with Computer Algebra
- A Study on Practical Aspects of the Computer-based Search for Moved Web Pages
- A Study on a Management System For Community Document Spaces
- Study of Image Annotation System to Support Researchers -For the tale of Genji (Genjimonogatari) in Nishikie-
- Functionalize and the control of three-dimensional animation in the object
- Transformations of Melodies upon Memorization and Singing
- A study on prosodic features of Japanese English utterances inferred from language dependent intonation characteristics
- Extracting and Organizing Character Information for Novel Texts
- Real-Time Hand Motion Classification and Joint Angle Estimation Using EMG Signals
- Visualization of Correlation among Parts of Charms in Dao-fa Hui-yuan
- About the Quotation Material in the Thesis of Folklore-mainly The Thesis of Woman, Birth, Marriage, Food and Clothing
- Question Answering for Software Functions
- Research on design of official web site of university -The renewal on the Kobe City University of Foreign Studies web site to the case study-
Master of Philosopy
- Fermi surface and Compton profiles of TiNi
- The Acceptance of Murakami Haruki's Literature in China ?Around Core of Researches of the Students in Jinan and Peking?
- On the text of "Ousenkeisan Shu" : Mainly on works made with poetry meetings
Doctoral Thesis (2006)
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science
- An Investigation on Global and Local Precedence and Interference in Visual Information Processing
- An Empirical Study on the Analysis of Site Contents and the Development of the Basic Framework of Elementary School Web Site
Doctor of Philosophy
- Role of Literary Museums in the Study of Modern Japanese Literature
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (by way of Dissertation)
- Internet Service Provision in Public Libraries -Viewed from the Architectural Planning of the Library-
- A Study of Publishing of Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature and its Cultural Importance
Doctor of Philosophy (by way of Dissertation)
- A study on the color harmony and color affections produced by two-color combinations
- Account Books of the Dutch factory at Hirado and Nagasaki: -Analysis of the accuracy of the recorded figures of the commercial transactions between Japan and the Dutch East India Company-