Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2021) | Master's/ Doctoral Thesis | Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2021)
Master's Thesis (2021)
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
Master of Science in Informatics
Doctoral Thesis (2021)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
- Analyzing the Governance of Reserch Data at Japanese Repositories from a Knowlege Commons Perspective
- Public Diplomacy of the United States and Ryukyuan-American Culture Centers -An Analysis of the Actualities at Amami Ryukyuan-American Culture Center-
- Autonomy and Sustainability of Library Management by Special-Purpose Governments: Case Analysis of the Formation Processes and Mnagement Mechanisms of Library Districts in Oregon, USA
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
- An analytical study of text-enhanced speech conversation for supporting conversation between native and non-native speakers: A case of Japanese convesation between Japanese and Chinese
- A Stidying on Learning Behavior Analysis for Reducing Dropout in Online Courses
- A Study on Quality Control of Crowdsourcing by Interaction of the Human+AI Crowd
- The Relation to Treatment-Decision and Information Seeking-behavoir in the Parent who Having Pediatric Cancer Patient: Focusing to Shared Decision-making between Parent and Physician
- Extraction of chemical substance names from Japanese texts: A case study of Japanese Published Unexamined Patent Applications
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Sudies (by way of Dissertation)
- A tudy of the Role of High School-University Coordination based on the Actual Use of Learning Information Resourses by High School Students
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