Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2015)
Master's Thesis (2015)
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
- The Partnership between Information and Design and Technology on Information Education:Focusing on Consciousness of Teachers of combined Secondary Junior and Senior High Schools
- Factors of the Change in Elementary School Students’ Science Interest by Using Panel Survey
- Analysis of Usage as Open Discussion Space —From the View Points of Day of the Week, Decades, Weather, and Time—
- Japanese public libraries as a system of adult and community education
- Policies and Regulations Related to Users' Privacy in Public Libraries
- A study on the preservation of library documents in Japan:with a focus on the current situation of academic libraries and the awareness of librarians towards preservation
- Conservation and Utilization of Natural Disaster Information in Geoparks activity of Japan
- The arrangement of personal archives-The case study of Ono, Nagaoka, Baba archives-
- Comparison of hedonic shopping motivations between online and in-store shopping
- Information recognition of the Hearing-impaired Students in University libraries
- Roles of DOI Links in scholarly communication on the Web: Through analyses on Wikipedia
- The Formation Process of “The Freedom to Read”: Focusing on Westchester Conference in 1953
- A Study of Social Curation Use in Information Seeking Behavior
- Relationship between the degree and discipline of researchers
- Values of Reading and its Formation Process : Focusing on Reading Public in the café Space
- Study on Indirect Infringement of Copyright
- Comparing “the degree of the media intellectuals” on the Iwanami media intellectuals – from the view point of incite the hegemony strategy –
- The Study of "Meiji Joreishiki Ukiyoe"
- Problem-solving Assistance Services of Public libraries in China -Business information services of Shanghai Library-
- A Comparative Study among Dewey Decimal Classification, New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries and Nippon Decimal Classification
- Rethinking of public interest of public library ; through the discussions on lending service of library and authors right
- A Model for Aggregating Manga Metadata Across Institutions:Improving the Granularity of Manga Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web
- ICT capacity building for knowledge and information access in disadvantaged communities
- Understanding Disaster Related Information-Seeking Behavior Using Oral Documents
Master of Science in Informatics
- Temporal Analysis of Constraint Effects on Information Searching Behavior
- 3D Visualization for Support to Retrieve Cooking Recipes
- Particle-based Elastoplastic Simulation with Slave Particles
- A Study on Microtask Design for Data Grouping without Complete Information
- Study of a Drawing Generation Method by Crowdsourced Microtasks
- Congestion Control Method in Information Centric Networking
- Research on Twitter User Recommendation as Adviser of Foreign Sightseers
- A Study on the Preference Labeled Recipe Recommendation based on the Nutrient
- Study of StreetMuseum using the Augmented Reality
- Fast Melting Simulation with Position-based Particle Method
- The effects of the method of scrolling on reading comics using a display
- A Study on the Collection of Skyline Points using Crowdsourcing
- Psychological study on the association of combinations of visual features with responses – An investigation with the spatial features of objects –
- State transition in learning estimated by electroencephalogram and posture measurement
- Opinion Aggregation Support System for Collaborative Lyrics Writing
- A Metadata Model and Description Support System for Creative Works of Doujin
- Effects of titles on cyber aggression in pseudonym type computer mediated communication
- Large-scale Parallel Deep Convolutional Neural Network on Image Classification
- Tele-experience To Share Dynamic Environment Among Plural Users By Mobile Robot
- Conversation Support For Non-natives By Speech Processing
- Empirical study of drawing-picture skill development in an online community
- Inducement of Food Intake by Dining Agent
Doctoral Thesis (2015)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
- Research on Conservation of Acidifying Chinese books by means of Bakusho
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
- A study of Information education teachers' training : mainly on "the Information curriculum" in high schools
- A Study on Life Aspect Inference based on Association with Latent Topics
- A Study on a Metadata-based Platform to Support Access and Production of Manga in Networked Information Environment
Doctor of Philosophy
- Early fahion business at the Grands Magasins du Louvre, Paris: Analysis of print media from 1860s to 1880s