Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2011)
Master's Thesis (2011)
Master of Library and Information Science
- Information Seeking Behavior of University Students in the Library
- Database of living things in the mythical age of the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki ~especially of commentaries about living things~
- A proposal of the access method based on the knowledge structure manuscripts
- The Study on the Current Situation and Agendas of the Research and Development in the University Libraries in Japan
- Theory and Cases of Library Evaluation in Japanese Public Libraries -Applying Evaluation Studies to analysis of Library Evaluation
- Incorporation and Research Productivity of National Universities in Japan
- User Characteristics in Divergent Academic Fields:The Situation of The University of Tsukuba Library
- Development of Real World Oriented Discovery Service
- Recognizing 'death' as a process:Qualitative Research of University Students
- FRBRization of OPACs for Music Resouces
- A Study on the Haiku about Love in the Meiji Period:Focused on "Meiji Shinsen Haikai Sugatamishu"
- Studies of Records Management System of Korea ~Focused on Local Government Publications~
- The present conditions and problems about copyright-education in training centers for teachers.
- The libraries in educational facilities of practitioners of acupuncture and moxibustion:State of art and perspectives
Master of Information Science
- Book Recommendation Signage System Using Silhouette-based Gait Classification
- Relation of window size and smoothness of scrolling to reading vertically scrolling text
- Role model visualization system for Self-understanding
- Optimization of Peer Selection Method for P2P File Sharing Using ISP Network State Measurement
- A study of exploratory search process visualization based on configuring topic space
- A Study on XML-RDB Mapping Methods using Functional and Inclusion Dependencies
- Effect of dining behavior to conversation in triadic table talk
- A Study of the Decision-making Support for the Canser Patient by Information
- Teaching materials used in learning art appreciation at junior high school
- A Web Content Curation System using Cover Generate Engine on Two-Dimensional Layout
- A Method of Voice Conversion Using Prosodic
- A Study of Information Seek and Aggregation Method Based on Partial Contents from Multiple Web Pages
- Design and Implementation of Interactive Information Retrieval for Supporting Complex Queries
- A Metadata Creation Model for HTML Document using Metadata Schema and Xpath
- The Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Folklore as Intellectual Property
- A Study on Ranking Methods for the Discovery of Inclusion Dependencies in Web Data
- Study on the Legal Protetion of Indigenous Cultures
- The Governmental use of Twitter in and after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Master of Philosopy
- Prossibility of the Protection concerning "TradeDress" in Japan Especially among the protection of store appearance
- A Study on the Illustration in "Marumaru Chinbun": Forcused on the Caricatures Depicted Anthropomorphic Animals
- Characteristics of Genjiko-no-zu in "Nisemurasaki Inaka Genji"
Doctoral Thesis (2011)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
- A problem of the reading education in the South Korean school library : In reference of Japan’s case
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science
- Studies on Document Space Navigation for Supporting Exploratory Access to Various Pertinent Details
- Studies on sound direction control system using a two-dimensional loudspeaker array based on boundary surface control principle
- A Study on Agricultural Information and Information Dissemination Environment in Indonesia: Agricultural Commodities and Extension Services
Doctor of Philosophy
- Haruki Murakami and China -Focusing on the Study of the Reception of Haruki Murakami in China-
- A Study on the newspaper education of Japanese language in the Early Stage of the Postwar Period : Focused on Practice about the newspaper education by Hama Omura.
- Study on the Western Songs in the Meiji Era Songbooks