Master's/ Doctoral Thesis(2008)
Master's Thesis (2008)
Master of Library and Information Science
- Metadata Schema for Manga based on the Entities of Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
- Bologna Process and Development of Learning Support Functions in Portuguese Academic Libraries
- study of cooking books by Kojima Tameyoshi
- Making of data base about shrines in China
- The Magazine in Public Libraries in Japan : the Case of the refectures and the Ordinance-designated Cities
- Digitization of the museum object information : mainly focusing on folk implements
- Formation of the Library Service in the Hino City Library
- Metadata Schema Model for Video Contents oriented to Electronic Program Guide
- Verification of Articles in Content Type of the Institutional Repositories in the University Library
- Public Library Services to Small Businesses
- Ms.Hama Ohmura's Reading Life Guidance in Japanese Language Education in Japan
- Critical Thinking of Students in Information Literacy
- A study on service process architecture of academic library
- Analysing Text Macrostructure based on Proposition Cohesion : the case of instruction manuals
- Tendencies of scientific articles reported by Japanese newspapers
- Access to Information and its Utilization by Researchers in Developing Countries -Impact of the HINARI initiative in medical sciences-
- Reformation of Service and Management in Yokohama City Library
- A Consideration about Management of Urayasu Public Library 1985-2000
Master of Information Science
- Correlation between patent and paper productivities by researchers
- Psychological research on integration of color and shape in operating image
- Electronic structure of strong correlated perovskyte type oxide CaVO3
- Studies on Musical Instrument Identification Focusing on Individuality of Instruments
- The effects of communication by cellular phone on interpersonal relationship and application to educational practice : A survey for high school students
- An Application of Jargon-style Word Formation to Retrieving Reputations
- Attentional shifts and factors guiding them on Web pages - Study by a cognitive-psychological experiment -
- A Psychological Study on Memory of Visuomotor-Procedural Sequences
- A Helpdesk-style Question Answering System Presenting Grounds for Answers
- Comprehensive Web Navigation Method using both Word Adaptation and Co-occurrences
- Development and evaluation of media literacy class for high school students
- Solving algebraic equations by Origami and Galois groups
- Promoting the Utilization of Legal Information in Revolutionary and Innovative Times
- Sound Field Localization and Direction Control of Sound Using Boundary Surface Control Principle
- A Study on Polynomial Time Solvable Subclass of XPath Satisfiability Problem
- Narrative representation model based on structure of scene connections
- Construction of knowledge meta data based on categorization of explanation
- Minors and the Internet -A Recent Approach to Protecting Minors from Online illegal and harmful information-
- Development of Middleware for Advanced Management of Distributed Files
- A System for Automatic Conversion of Cyrillic Mongolian Web Pages into Vertical Mongolian Script
Master of Philosopy
- Electrically detected magnetic resonance study of sub-micron silicon transistors with new fabrication processes
- Muku Hatoju as the director of Kagoshima Prefectural Library
- Design and Trial on Learning Materials for Media Literacy through Experience without Special Device
Doctoral Thesis (2008)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
- A Study on Outcomes in Academic Library:Students' Library Use and Learning Outcomes
- Enhancement and Utilization of Electronic Journal Archives
- A study pertaining resources cultivation conducted in response to the diverse management Models of special libraries
- A study on the Integration of Classification and Subject Headings in China
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science
- A study of digitization and bidirectional transliteration methods for Traditional Mongolian And Modern Mongolian
- Loanword Extraction and Lemmatization in Natural Language Processing for Mongolian
- Studies on Extraction of Causal Relationships in Patent Documents and Generation of Hypotheses by Analogical Reasoning with the Relationships
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science (by way of Dissertation)
- Geographic Information Media System based on concept of Informer and the user's interactions