Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2018)
Master's Thesis (2018)
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
- Information Used by Consumers in Buying Fashion Items: Based on Information Search in Real Store Using Smartphone
- Open access contents usage in Institutional Repository
- Development of Picture Book Reading Workshop using Sound Effects
- An Online Ethnography about Relationship: Focusing on Twitter Use of Brass Band Members
- A Study on Philosophical Theory of Fiction for Knowledge Acquisition from Fictional Works
- A study of “Daiei-haikaimeijisenngohyakudai”: Consideration which based on comparing anthologies of Haiku which was published at the same period
- The Roles of Prefectural Libraries from the Viewpoint of Supports for Municipalities without Public Libraries: A Case Study on Ibaraki prefecture
- International Comparison of Library Services for International Student in Academic Library
- The Reasons to Read "Boy's Love(BL)":Focusing on Their Own Sexuality
- Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct using Book Selection
- Historical study of the cemetery―focusing on the Tokyo metropolitan cemetery―
- Provincial consciousness of young people of " provincial literary circles" and a look to
" the central literary circle " described in literary publication magazine "Bunko" and "Shinsei"
- Focusing on the case of Kyokko Ogiso and Ryogetsu Irisawa- - The Situation of Social Media for Public Libraries in China
- A Study on Structuring Tang Poems with Linked Data and TEI Markup
- Public Libraries as Third Places For Seniors- A Case Study of Tsukuba City Library -
- Roles of Public Libraries for Chinese Seniors’ Lifelong Learning:The Case of Hangzhou Public Library
- Research on Local Administrative Materials Service in Public Library: Comparison of Activity Policies and Practice
- A Study of Central Library System: Control and Encouragement of Public Libraries During Asia-Pacific War
- Administration and Services of College of Technology Libraries
- Current Status and Issues of the Library and Information Science Education in Chinese Universities: A Case Study of School of Information Management at WuHan University
- A Study on a Metadata Model of Cultural Heritage Digital Archives as an Intellectual Creation by Memory Institutions
- How Japanese View Animals in the Edo period:With a Focus on "Haihuyanagitaru"
Master of Science in Informatics
- A study of a self-guided mental healthcare system for continual use
- Development Tool for Programming Thinking for Elementary School Students based on Daily Activities
- Detecting Unsatisfiable CSS Rules against DTDs
- Creative Clothes Design Process by Collaboration between Human and Machine Intelligence
- A Study on Estimation of High Impact Paper based on Citation Context
- A Study for Supporting Second Language Conversation by a Voice Agent
- Automatic Creation of E-Book Cover Reflecting Story Development
- Computational Personalization through Physical and Aesthetic Featured Digital Fabrication
- Sparse modeling of test scores for estimating skills acquired by students
- A Similarity Calculation Method Between Metadata Terms Using Graph Structure of Metadata
- The Relationship between Perceived Emotion and Facial Expression of Animated Characters
- Short- and Long-term Effects of Self-correction on Crowdsourced Data Quality
- The effect of reverberated speech on working memory: Toward an optimal balance of calmness and liveliness in libraries
- A Hybrid Approach of Subgraph Isomorphism and Graph Simulation for Graph Pattern Matching
- Development of user interface system using magnetic force by digital fabrication technology
- Fast Fractured Mesh Generation with Re-break Based on Clustered Shape Matching
- Extracting and Unifying Semi-Structured Data Based on the Declarative Description for Automated Generation of LOD Datasets
- Modeling Item Selection Behaviors in Online Shopping Sites
- The Remote Controllable Electric Wheelchair System combined Human and Machine Intelligence for Caregivers and Care Receivers
- A Task Assignment Method Considering Participation Rate and Activity Degree
- Training Named Entity Recognizer by Character-based Word Classification using a Domain Specific Dictionary
- Study on extraction of time series variation for topic popularity in microblogs
- Psychological Research on Acquisition of Touch Panel Operation from the Viewpoint of Procedural Learning
- Pattern Recognition for Tennis Tactic using Motion Capture System
- Acoustic and physiological investigations on operatic and choral singing focusing on vocal-fold vibration
- MultiIISPH: An Extended Implicit Incompressible SPH for Multi-fluid Flow
- Optimization of Computer generated holography rendering and optical design for a compact and large eyebox Augmented Reality glass
- A Study of Conversational Agents for Supporting Second Language Communication
- A study of synchronizing method in a co-dining system with an agent
- Enhancing Interaction Capability for VR Handheld Controllers: Exploratory Approaches using Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing and Vision Sensing in Real-time
- Affinity Improvement Together with Efficient Utilization of CPU and Battery Based on Consciousness Model and Face Memorization for Mobile Robot
- Anchor Text Retrieval Model for Informational Query
- A study for supporting second language conversation using speech rate detection
- Previous Announcement Method of Upcoming Operation Using Face Interface for Mobile Robot
- Study on Corpus Construction for Topic Identification in Non-task-oriented Dialogue System
- Sonification of muscular activity pattern in human gait
Doctoral Thesis (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
- Comparative Analysis of Services Provided by Japanese Public Libraries Managed under Designated Administrator System and by Local Government
- Research on the Selection Tools used by Public Libraries in their Book Selection Practices
- Differences in Representations and their Causes in Classification Schemes Represented with SKOS
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
- Extracting Research Seeds Terms by Information Filtering Using a Known Term Dictionary
- A Study on Improving Bibliographic Descriptions for Objects of Popular Culture Through Multimedia Franchise Representation, Hierarchical Modeling, and Metadata Aggregation
Doctor of Philosophy
- Conceptual Model Development of Learning Through the Experience of Animation Expression: Focusing of Primary and Secondary Art Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies(by way of Dissertation)
- A Study on Making Provisions for School Libraries at Public Elementary and Junior High Schools: With a Focus on Measures by the Board of Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies(by way of Dissertation)
- Inter-field and Temporal Variation of Citation Practices in Natural Sciences