Master's/Doctoral Thesis(2019)
Master's Thesis (2019)
Master of Science in Library and Information Studies
- The evolution and characteristics of library evaluation methods
- Development and evaluation of a program to support "Investigative Learning" at primary school libraries
- Community Libraries in London Boroughs: From the Perspective of Social Inclusion
- The Philosophy and Actual Situations of Integrated Libraries in Denmark: A Case Study in Aarhus Municipality
- Regional disparities in public libraries
- Aggregation and Linking of Regional Cultural Heritage Information with the Use of Cultural Property Lists in Japan
- Public Library Service for the Needy
- Why do Otaku Tribute? :Focusing on Rationalization of Consumption Behavior regarding “Oshi”
- OA and citation in ESCI
- Factors enhancing advertising literacy, attitude, knowledge, and awareness of health: International comparison between Japanese and Chinese undergraduates
- A Comparison of Local literature services in public library between China and Japan
- The comparison of Information Literacy Games between Chinese and American university libraries
- Current status and issues of public libraries combined with schools
- Investigation on the Utilization of Instagram in U.S. Libraries
- Heart and Blood Flow Simulation using Position Based Dynamics
- Maintaining and Publishing Metadata Application Profiles with Extensible Authoring Format
- A Crowdsourcing Approach to Finding Evidences
- The combined RDS and RDM Lifecycle Model in Academic Libraries
- The Relationship between Twitter Usage, Social Comparison and Satisfaction of Friendship among Undergraduate Students
Master of Science in Informatics
- Scene Graph Generation Focusing on Semantic Structure
- Efficient Privacy-Preserving Similarity Search Schemes Using Indices
- Structural Analysis of Jazz Improvisation Based on IRM-Comparison between Bebop and Modal Jazz-
- A Study on Efficient Extraction of Growth-Inducing Edges Based on Their Appearance Positions and Roles in Complex Networks
- Soft Manipulator using Lamina Emergent Torsion Array Including Isolated Structure
- Building a Knowledge Graph by aggregating Heterogeneous Web Resources about Adaptation of Manga, Anime and Video Game
- Predicting the Convergence of the BiCG Method from Grayscale Matrix Images
- Method for Detecting Near-duplicate Recipes Focused on Document Similarity using BERT and Correspondence between Word Embeddings
- Rhythm recognition of three-part songs by hearing-impaired people
- Style Analysis of Harmony based on Distributed Representations of Chords
- Design of friendly interactive personification agent considering reduction of cognitive load ―Focusing on the Impression at the Start of Interaction―
- Social Group Based Pedestrian Subgoal Estimation and Walking Trajectory Prediction
- Generation of airborne speakers using laser-induced breakdown
- A Prediction Model of Data Science Methods for Analysis of Electron Diffraction Images of Polycrystalline Materials
- Extracting Shape Expression Schemas from Graphs
- Particle Based Hair Plastic Deformation with Fluid Simulation
- Proposal of Shape Expression Schema Validation and Correction Methods for Directed Graphs
- Teleoperation Method for Mobile Robot with Free Viewpoint and Semi-autonomous Control
- A Study on a Dynamic Microtask Approach to Collecting and Organizing Citizens' Opinions
- A Study of Section Identification in Japanese Popular Music
- Distributed Musical Note Representation based on Chord Composition
- Analysis of Phasor Distortions by Fog in Time-of-Flight Measurement
- Calculating similarity and combinability of LOD datasets based on their metadata schemas and link relationships
- Author-Oriented Book Recommendation Using Linked Open Data for Improving Serendipity
- A Study on Estimation Method of L2 Learner ’s Second Language Ability by using Features in Conversation
- A Method for Classifying Temporal Relations Using Attention-based Neural Networks
- Speech Synthesis System by Lip Motion to Help Acquired Voice Disorders Speak Again
- The effects of background music on stress and performance during task performance
Doctoral Thesis (2019)
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies
- A Study of Temporal Stages amd Human Senses in Information Seeking Behavior of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
- Effects of Curated Infomation on Infomation behavior: Using Physiological Indicators to Estimate Users' Internal Condition
- A Study on Cooperation between American Libralians and Publishers: the Establishment and Development of "The Freedom to Read"
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
- A Study on Characteristics Slection in the Messages based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization
- A Study on Organaizing Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Information in Networked Information Environments
- High Precision Sparse Matrix Software Accelerated by SIMD
Doctor of Philosophy
- Psychological Study on the Integration of Visual Features in Stimulus-Response Association
Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Studies(by way of Dissertation)
- Open Data Practices and Perceptions of Researchers in Japan
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics(by way of Dissertation)
- Development of a rubric for focusing on information untilization skills in inquiry learing